Kids Krazy 4 Healthy Cooking

Hi, My name is Lace. I have one older brother his name is Riland and I have lots of pets, 2 dogs, 2 lovebirds, 1 cat, 7 chickens and a wild moose we get to be friends with. I live in Utah, am homeschooled and love to cook. My mom and dad are what people call health freaks so I have been told “no” often when it comes to eating much of the food out there.

We only drank raw organic milk until my mom found Kalona, we forage every summer and learn about one new edible wild plant a year. Lots of kids eat unhealthily and have health problems, so I decided to recreate the foods I wanted with the healthy ingredients that my family uses and share them with other kids so they can eat healthier. Now we share it on YouTube and social media via “Kids Krazy 4 Healthy Cooking”. It is slow going as I am busy with school but we put things up when we can. My mom helps 🙂

We traveled across the country this summer and actually stopped in the beautiful town of Kalona when we were driving by. We loved it, the people were so friendly. We had ice cream and walked around and saw lots of cool things even a Star Trek museum nearby.

I am excited to represent Kalona. We really love that they only work with people who treat their animals right. Mom says animals are not ours to use and to always be grateful for the labor and sacrifice that they and the farmers put in to help us stay nourished.

I hope to be a chef when I grow up.

My dad is from the south so,
Peace to Y’all 🙂

See How We Like to Use Kalona SuperNatural Here

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