“Dairy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”


‘Twas the week before Christmas, and on the small farms,
The cows started stirring inside the barn;
The farmers arose early with care,
And all the cows hoped they soon would be there;

The family was helpful and all went to work,
To milk cows manually—they did not shirk!
For 100+ years the farms do reside,
Never touched by chemicals or pesticides.

The cows are grass-fed with a seasonal diet,
Eating turnips in autumn; that is a riot!
The milk is USDA Certified Organic,
To ensure the long-term health of life on our planet.

When out on the pasture, they heard the truck near,
Collection time soon would be here.
Away from the parlor they flew like a flash,
To greet the driver with his quirky mustache.

Soon the milk would be on it’s way,
To the local creamery, do not delay!
The milk must then go into the vat,
Heated slowly, then cooled, in a small batch.

Minimally processed and non-homogenized,
The cream on the top is the great prize.
Brought to you in the most natural state,
Doing less and not more, makes our milk great!

When, what to our wondering eyes did appear,
But wonderful products to enjoy all year!
From yogurt to milk, cottage cheese and cream,
Our organic dairy goodness is anyone’s dream!

We love what we do and love who we serve
Sustainable farms is what we preserve.
Kalona SuperNatural has three words for you:
Join our Herd! Is what you should do!

So when you enjoy our delicious eggnog
And cozy up by a warm yule log
Remember our message in holiday lights