Happy, pasture-grazed cows mean better quality dairy for you and your family. That is why animal-friendly practices are at the heart of our farmers’ family operations. Kalona cows roam freely on lush pastures eating a complex diet of native and cultivated plants and grasses. Happy cows also mean happy farmers. One of our Kalona farmers said it best, “We like to see the cows out on the grass. They get to exercise that way and move around. It’s a pretty sight.”

Pasture-Grazed Farming:
Good for Cows
Cows that graze on fresh pasture enjoy better health than confined livestock. They live much longer than confined cows and are less inclined to contract diseases. Pasture-grazing also improves cows’ digestive health. It makes their stomachs less acidic and increases the beneficial bacteria in their digestive tracts, which aids in the digestion of their high-fiber diet.

Smart for Small Farmers
Pasture-grazed farming is essential to the success of the small Amish and Mennonite producers of Kalona SuperNatural milk. It eliminates the expensive and time-consuming waste disposal that comes with confined feeding. In addition, when cows are on pasture, they spread their own manure, which cuts down on fuel and equipment expenses.

Healthy for the Soil
Our farmers prefer pasture-based farming because it contributes to the preservation of their farms for generations to come. Pasture-grazed farming adds more organic matter to the soil, which protects it and helps reduce erosion. Less erosion means that the water runs into the ground, where it is needed, and not off the ground, where it causes flooding. Our farmers also rotate crops to maintain soil fertility and protect soil and water quality. (1)

The Grass is Greener on Kalona SuperNatural Pasture-Grazed Farms
At Kalona SuperNatural, we take pride in the dairy we produce. Our farmers produce high quality, pasture-grazed, organic milk. We work closely together and have the privilege of visiting their farms regularly.
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1. https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Organic%20Livestock%20Requirements.pdf