100% Grass-fed Kefir Coming in Early 2018

100% Grass-fed Kefir Coming in Early 2018

Kalona® SuperNatural™ is delighted to announce that we are in the final stages of development for two new dairy products: Plain & Vanilla Organic, 100% Grass-fed Kefir!

First Dairy Brand to be AGA Certified

Not only are we extremely excited to launch our 100% grass-fed kefir products, we are also proud to Kalona SuperNatural 100% grass-fed kefir photoannounce that we are the first dairy brand to become American Grassfed Association (AGA) Certified 100% Grass-fed.

The AGA certification guarantees that the milk used to make their 100% grass-fed products comes from cows that are pasture-grazed and fed 100% forage, with no use of grains or grain products. The certification prohibits use of confinements, growth hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs.

As stated in an article published by the Organic Consumers Association, “Organic Consumers Association Endorses New American Grassfed Association Dairy Standards,”  Ronnie Cummins, international director of the Organic Consumers Association, said:

“As consumers become more conscious of the health, environmental and animal welfare benefits of milk and dairy products from cows raised exclusively on pasture, the market for these products is taking off. Until now, there has been no national standard to which 100% grass-fed dairy products could be certified. As a result, some companies, eager to cash in on a growing trend, have misled consumers with labels that falsely imply their products come from cows raised only on pasture, when in fact the cows have also been fed grain. Consumers can now rely on the fact that products certified to the AGA’s new standards, the result of a year’s worth of collaboration among dairy producers, retailers, scientists and certifiers, are of the highest quality and integrity.”

Unlike other certifiers, AGA is a national organization, with actual third party verification process. The inspectors that do the farm visits are agriculture specialists, not paid employees of AGA.

Our two kefir products will be our first AGA Certified 100% Grass-fed products on the market, with more to follow! These two products will start shipping in January 2018.  

Watch our website for product updates!

Kalona SuperNatural Kefir Attributes

Kalona SuperNatural Organic 100% Grass-fed Cultured Whole Milk Kefir product attributes:

100% Certified Grass-fed – First AGA certified products on the market!

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Full-fat made with whole milk
  • Small family farms
  • No stabilizers
  • Minimally-processed
  • Non-homogenized with a delicious cream top
  • Live and active kefir cultures
  • Probiotic
  • No GMOs, pesticides, antibiotics or hormones