Today’s recipe is one of my grandma Mary’s specialities: Välling (or Velling, as she spelled it)! I’m making it here using the best organic whole milk I’ve ever tasted from @kalonasupernatural_milk_dairy . It is so creamy, fresh, and delicious—you’ve gotta try it, if you haven’t!
My grandma Mary was Danish, and my understanding is that Välling is a Swedish word, so I’m not sure where this recipe came from. My research on this rice pudding leads me to believe that my grandma’s version more closely resembles Norwegian Risgrøt. Scandinavians—help me out with the origins of this dessert! Let me know if you’d like me to send you the recipe—you’ll love it!
Välling with Kalona Organic Whole Milk
1/2 cup white rice
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
4 cups Kalona Supernatural Organic Whole Milk
Combine all ingredients and cook over a double boiler (covered) until the rice is tender, and the mixture is thickened, about 2-3 hours. The water should remain at a gentle simmer, and you may need to add more if it begins to evaporate. Stir every 30 minutes or so. Enjoy warm with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of heavy cream.